Graduate Advising FAQs

Have questions about enrolling in a graduate program at The Bill Munday School of Business? Below are answers to frequently asked questions. If you need more information, contact Dr. Amr Swid.

Q: I was waived out of some of my foundation courses. Why did this occur?

你可能已经完成了某些等效的本科课程,从而免除了学位计划所要求的一些基础课程 prior to beginning your St. Edward's graduate program. If you have questions, please contact your graduate advisor.

Q: How do I know what course(s) to take this semester?

You may review your degree audit in Degree Works, accessible in myHilltop

  1. Click on Academic Information.
  2. Click on Access Degree Works.

Your degree audit is the electronic version of your degree plan. The courses you have already taken and are currently taking, plus the courses you have remaining are listed in your degree audit. If you have questions about the order in which to take your courses or prerequisites, please review your Plan in Degree Works.

Q: My degree audit is incorrect. How do I fix it?

If your degree audit is incorrect, please contact your graduate advisor to update it.

Q: What is Canvas?

Canvas is an online, cloud-based, classroom management system adopted by SEU in Fall 2015. 它是为数字化学习而设计的,这样学生就可以花更少的时间找东西,花更多的时间学习. Canvas与当前的网站和社交媒体更加紧密地结合在一起——它提供了更好的多媒体与内置音频和视频的集成, offers more potential to expand the classroom, and has a user-friendly app. Canvas may be accessed in myHilltop.

Q: What is Turnitin?

Turnitin是一个教育技术系统,它将学生论文和其他提交的材料与其庞大的数据库进行比较,以识别从其他来源复制的材料. This enables faculty to evaluate indications of academic dishonesty. The database includes more than 150 million student papers, 90,000 journal articles, and billions of web pages. 学生应该使用Turnitin的功能来起草他们的作业,以确保他们引用了其他作者的作品,以及语法和句子结构等基本错误. Be certain to obtain a digital receipt for all final versions of work submitted via Turnitin.

Q: How do I find my textbooks? Can I purchase them online?

You may access the bookstore online and either purchase books through the website or go to the bookstore on the main campus.

Q: What do I need to do to drop a course? Will I get a refund?

学生如欲在学期内终止任何课程,必须在公布的时间表调整期间内退课 Office of the Registrar. During this period, the refund schedule set forth by the Office of Student Financial Services adheres. 获得经济援助并退出的学生应参阅“助学金”部分的“退出的后果” Graduate Bulletin, 因为退学可能会对学生获得经济援助的资格产生重大影响, plus the educational expenses owed to the university. If you withdraw during a semester in which you receive federal financial assistance, 当你退出的时机可能会影响你是否需要偿还部分或全部的经济援助.

Students assume financial and academic responsibility for each registered course. Withdrawing does not absolve a student's financial responsibility for his/her educational expenses. 停止出席或通知教练的状态变化不构成退学或退学. 学生负责使用myHilltop启动和完成退学或退学程序. If the student fails to complete the process, they will receive the grade(s) assigned by the instructor of record and be billed accordingly.

Q: I would like to take a term off and return next term. What do I do?

Currently, 被录取的学生在被要求重新申请被录取的研究生课程之前,可以连续“退学”三个学期. 学生必须正式通知大学,如果你想离开一个学期或学期提交一份 Withdraw From University form. A withdraw from university form can be submitted for temporary or permanent withdrawal. In addition, it can be helpful to notify your advisor of your plans. 当您准备重新注册时,请联系商学院的研究生导师,以便重新激活您的学习记录(适用资格要求)。.

Q: Can I transfer credits from another university?

New Students:

在获得地区认可的大学的12个小时的研究生水平的工作可以转移到您的学位计划中,并获得商学院院长的MBA预先批准. 经过MSLC商学院院长的预先批准,从地区认可的大学获得的最多9小时的研究生水平工作可以转入您的学位计划. 课程成绩必须达到B或更高,并且学分不能用于完成另一个学位. To be considered for transfer, credits must be submitted at the time of application, and students must request transfer credits prior to the creation of the student’s degree plan. Additionally, courses must have been taken within the six-year time limit for completion of your degree. 商学院的研究生指导老师会要求提供课程描述,并将相关文件提交院长批准.

注意:MSAA项目的主任可以接受在另一所地区认可的大学的研究生院获得的最多9个学期的学时. 在MSAA项目入学第一学期之前完成的会计课程超过三年将不被计入St. Edward’s University, whether transferred or taken in residence.

Current Students:

希望在另一所地区认可的学院或大学注册研究生课程的研究生学位学生转学到圣. 爱德华大学必须获得商学院院长的预先批准(必须满足某些标准才能获得批准-请与您的商学院研究生导师交谈以获取更多信息). After the course has been completed with a grade of B or better and St. Edward’s University has received an official transcript, the credit will be transferred to meet the university’s degree requirements.

Q: How do I reapply to the graduate program or change graduate degree programs?

To reapply to a business school graduate program to which you were previously admitted, you must fill out a new application. We keep your transcripts on file, so you will not need to resubmit them. However, you will be required to complete a new essay explaining your absence and why you wish to return. If you have attended any educational institutions since your last attendance at St. Edward’s University, you will need to submit official transcripts from those institutions. Please contact Graduate Admission for information on applying for readmission.

Students wishing to apply to a new degree program (i.e. 被MBA项目录取但想转到其他商学院攻读研究生学位的学生需要提交研究生项目转学表格(此表格仅在比尔·蒙迪商学院使用). Your essay should explain why you wish to change degree programs. 有关转换研究生课程的更多信息,请联系商学院研究生顾问.

Q: What do I need to do to change my MBA concentration?

请通知您的商学院研究生顾问,以便他们可以更新您的学位审核并讨论您的新学位计划, including any potential changes. If you are interested in attempting a different degree program, you must apply to that program.

Q: If I make a C in a class, can I retake the class to “replace” the grade?

Repeating a class does not erase the original grade from your transcript. While a C is considered to be a passing grade, a student who earns one C grade will be placed on academic probation; a student who earns two C grades will be dismissed from their program. If a student earns a grade of D or F in a required course, the course must be repeated. 攻读某些证书课程的学生可能需要在特定课程中获得B或更高的成绩才能获得认证资格. Review the Academic Standards, Probation, and Dismissal rules in the Graduate Bulletin for additional information.

Q: Is there a timeframe in which I must finish my degree?


Q: I am close to finishing my degree. What do I need to do to graduate?

You'll apply to graduate during the term prior to your graduation date. Log on to your myHilltop account to submit your Application for Graduation. 在你获得毕业证书后的最后一个学期,你将收到注册办公室的确认函. Please make sure that your mailing information is correct. See the information about updating your address below if you need to make changes. For further info about graduation, please visit the Office of the Registrar’s graduation page.

Q: I have recently moved. Where do I update my address?

In your myHilltop account, click on Address Change and make the necessary changes. 请记得在发生变更时更新您的信息,以便您的账单和注册信息及时到达您的手中. Additionally, graduation material will be sent to the address on file for you.

Q: How do I order a transcript or enrollment verification form?

You may order a transcript or enrollment verification form from the Office of the Registrar.