为什么我们会被一些人所吸引而不被另一些人所吸引? 上瘾是如何形成的,是什么打破了这个循环? 压力事件是如何影响人的身体的?


Explore your options as a 行为神经科学 Major — classes, 实习, 研究, 出国留学. 找到你感兴趣的, 发现你的所爱, and create an experience that jump starts your future using the 行为神经科学专业指南.

The 行为神经科学 degree is a good fit for students who are interested in understanding how our thoughts, 感情, 我们的行为受到生理因素的影响. The field explores topics that range from mental health and emotion, 发展, 认知功能, 进化, 感觉和知觉, 睡眠, 社会行为, 这样的例子不胜枚举.

Students who select this major have varying interests in professional or 研究 careers in medicine, 药品, 动物科学, 和神经科学. Pre-health students find this major a good fit because the degree requirements align with medical or graduate school requirements. This major is also helpful for students interested in pursuing other types of advanced degrees.

You’ll apply what you’ve learned in the classroom to real-life situations in a mental-health and addiction facility, 一个医院, 物理治疗诊所, 或者一个研究实验室. 当你毕业时, you’ll be ready to help people by using the tools of science to solve the mysteries of human behavior.


行为神经科学 majors go on to a variety of careers and graduate schools from St. 爱德华的.

  • 创业公司的业务发展主管
  • MediaScience的行为数据协调员
  • Neuropsychiatry 研究 coordinator at Baylor College of Medicine
  • 女孩公司的外展项目和数据协调员.
  • 奥斯汀独立学区的学校心理学家
  • 研究生 school placement in doctorate programs in neuroscience at Colorado State University, 德克萨斯大学, 斯克里普斯研究所, 和伊坎医学院
  • Clinical 心理学 doctorate program at Palo Alto University
  • Medical school placement at various schools across the country

找到你的位置. 为他人着想.

在圣. 爱德华的几乎是无限的. 满足 悉尼·米切尔19岁 谁在学习行为神经科学时获得了成功 读故事 其他在山顶上大放异彩的学生.


行为神经科学 majors are outstanding scientists with excellent 研究 skills. 你将在包括实验在内的课堂上发展这些技能, 这样你就可以学以致用了, 在实习和与教授一起进行的研究中. 


The 行为神经科学 program helps you develop top-notch 研究 skills. 您将学习如何设计和进行自己的研究, 分析数据, 然后写一份解释结果的手稿.

Classes like 研究 Methods equip you with skills learned through hands-on experience. You’ll have the opportunity to assist faculty with their 研究 projects and pursue your own area of inquiry. 行为神经科学 majors have examined the following topics:

  • The impact of recreational drug and alcohol use on stress response
  • The effect on testosterone of winning or losing in a competitive situation
  • 种族和性别对疼痛共情的影响
  • How sex education shapes people’s attitudes about 性别, bodily autonomy and sex

Students present their 研究 at professional academic conferences like the Southwestern Psychological Association, the Society for Neuroscience and the Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology. They win national awards and are accepted into top graduate programs in the country.


    许多学生实习为圣. 爱德华的 professors who are conducting studies related to their specializations. 其他人则实习担任助教. 在圣. 爱德华的, 所有课程都由教授授课, but student teaching assistants help tutor and lead study sessions. You’ll expand your communication and people skills by helping other students learn the material.


    Students in Associate Professor of 心理学和行为神经科学 Jessica Boyette-Davis' 生物心理学 course will explore how the brain and nervous system direct our thoughts, 情绪和行为. They'll have in-depth discussions on subjects such as the brain science behind mental illness.